
Kerestur's United Party

YUGOSLAVIA, 3 June 2002. Ruski Kerestur's Rusyn and Ukrainian groups joined forces on 10 May to host the United Party, an invitation-only cocktail party designed to show that the two groups can rise above their differences and cooperate towards common goals. More than 50 people attended the party, which lasted until 4 a.m.

Five groups joined in: Ruska Matka's Youth Forum, the youth group of the Union of Rusyns and Ukrainians (Sojuz), the magazines MAK and Time Out and a brand new organization called Teledom Ruthen.

Despite its name, Teledom Ruthen has nothing to do with television. It is a small network of cultural centers in villages and smaller towns. The centers offer such services as internet access, foreign language classes and theatre workshops.

Cocktail parties are rare enough in Kerestur, but what was even more interesting were the cocktails' names: Matka and Sojuz mix, MAK Hurricane , Rusyn National Poison...

The party also honored MAK, which began publication last September. Ruski Kerestur's Rusyns and Ukrainians hope to build on the success of the United Party with further joint actions.

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