
Remarks, VI World Congress of Rusyns
Paul Robert Magocsi

�May I therefore share a few thoughts about what I believe should be the task of the World Congress during its next ten-year cycle. These tasks can be grouped into three categories: (1) administrative matters; (2) youth; and (3) civic activity.

�With regard to the second task, youth, I would propose that the World Congress take the initiative in organizing a World Rusyn Youth Forum to take place in the context of the next congress two years from now. The precise configuration at the proposed Youth Forum should be decided by the young people themselves (by the way, �young� should mean no older than 30). The World Council should convene an initial coordinating committee of young people from all or most countries where Rusyns live and during the next two years find some funds to pay for the transportation and lodging of the participants at what would become the First World Rusyn Youth Forum to be held in conjunction with the VII World Congress of Rusyns.

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